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Quentin Verniers, licensed psychologist
Coaching, counseling, therapy and training

Each individual session lasts about 45 to 60 minutes - occasionaly or on a regular basis, at your own pace.

Respectful of each person's individual needs and limits, the work will be likely to include the use of :
· mouvement
· images
· music and sound
· initiation stories and legends
· specific psychoenergetic techniques (EFT, BrainGym, ...)
My career has nurtured both my skills and my interest in accompanying men of all ages along their path - whether they are on the move or at a standstill in life.

I believe every man today, whether young or old, deserves to discover and to (re)construct his own individual ways of dealing with life, and to assert himself beyond clichés about what it means to be a man...

As a psychologist, my role is to help them find (or strengthen) their own :
· verticality (i.e. one's ability to stand up to life and to others, to join a lineage, to transmit) ;
· horizontality (i.e. one's faculty to move forward, to put himself into action, to build his own life).

With my experience as a trainer and coach on parenting, communication and intercultural relations for more than 15 years, I have developed original tools to support evolution and change, in a holistic approach of every human being.

Based, amongst other things, on the resonances between body and mind, my practice is aimed at efficiency. It is anchored in real life, centered on and respectful of each individual's needs, resources and possibilities, and strictly confidential.

Depending on individual needs, it may take various forms : occasional or regular coaching, counseling, therapy or training sessions - a time "for oneself" to take a break or to address a particular issue, to assist a time of personal or professional transition, to change, to acquire new skills, ...

I am accredited by the Belgian Commission of Psychologists and my practice fulfills the reimbursement conditions for most health care insurance companies (or mutuelles). Perfectly fluent in English and French, I work in both languages.
My career has nurtured both my skills and my interest in accompanying men of all ages along their path - whether they are on the move or at a standstill in life .

Along the way, I have especially been in contact with the need, for every man, to discover, to (re-)build and to assert oneself, beyond clichés about what "being a man" means... the need to find one's own verticality (i.e. one's ability to stand up to life and to others, to join a lineage, to transmit) and one's horizontality (i.e. one's faculty to move forward, to put himself into action, to build his own life).

With my experience as a trainer and coach on parenting, communication and intercultural relations for more than 15 years, I have developed original tools to support evolution and change, in a holistic approach of every human being.

My practice is anchored in real life, centered on and respectful of each individual's needs, resources and possibilities, and strictly confidential. It may take various forms : time "for yourself" for a break or to address a particular issue, coaching to assist a time of personal or professional transition, counselling, therapy, or training.

Each individual session lasts about 45 minutes - occasionnaly or on a regular basis, at your own pace.

Respectful of each person's individual needs and limits, the work will be likely to include the use of :
· mouvement
· images
· music and sound
· initiation stories and legends
· specific psychoenergetic techniques.

Bring out the man you want to be 
My work revolves around three main themes
Drawing your own path
Find the resources within yourself to take control of your own life, develop your capacity to move forward, feed your masculine energies, reinforce your identity and spirit as a man.
Job happiness
Be successful in your professional life, prevent or recover from burnout syndrome, improve your assertive communication, manage your professional relationships, develop your intercultural abilities.
Beyond clichés and expectations from the outside world, discover, nourish and assert yourself as a father... build a space for the father you want to be... and when necessary, find the resources to face the storms of life with your child(ren), to avoid the pitfalls of alienation and conflict, and/or to get out of violence patterns.
My work also addresses other themes.
Please contact me for more information.
Let nature help
If you wish, we can also put on our walking shoes and go for a walking session in the beautiful countryside.
Archetypes of the mature masculine
An excellent summary (in English) of the 1990 book by Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette King, Warrior, Magician, Lover : Rediscovering The Archetypes Of The Mature Masculine, found on
Psychological practice in Villers-la-Ville (Belgium)

parking spaces rue de la Jouerie (50m)
TEC busses 568 (20m) & 51 (100m)
SNCB train stations Villers-la-Ville (4km) or Tilly (2.5km)

+32 (0)476 211 266

Financial or mobility issues must not be an obstacle, let's simply talk about it.
Financial or mobility issues must not be an obstacle, let's simply talk about it.